Monday 4 March 2013

Filming Problems 2

Unfortunately, Emma Winn (the young girl) changed her mind about the filming after our first session for unknown reasons. Due to this we now have several problems. We are unable to re-film any bad footage that we have of her. Also, we have had to change our ending. We came up with the idea of Izzie (the elder girl) running away and grabbing a stranger (played by Amanda Thompson), she informs the stranger that someone is in the woods and starts to receive hallucinations of the girl, a hanging noose and a blood covered teddy bear, when in actual fact there will be nothing there. This ending then leaves the audience in suspense as to whether Izzie is abnormal or the whether the young girls exists. It also still fits with the title 'The Hanging.' as we will still see the noose. We will re-film on Tuesday 5th March. 

Also, we have decided to have our credits on a black screen in between the opening sequence. This is because it shows time passing and we can show Izzie in different parts of the woods as it gets darker. 

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