Friday 22 March 2013

Evaluation- Question 2

"How does your media product represent particular social groups?"

In our opening sequence, we wanted to go against the main stereotype of young children, especially girls, being well behaved, polite and angelic. We represented our young girl as someone of this type through costume, by dressing her appropriately in a dress, with a bow in her hair and she held a teddy bear as a prop. This look gave off the impression that she was innocent and sweet. However, through quick cuts we made her jump increasingly closer, so that the audience became much more aware of her makeup and abnormal characteristics, suggesting to them she isn't a usual child. 
In the opening, we are straight away introduced to the first victim of the child, Izzie. We wanted her character to be represented as a normal teenager, so that our audience, which are at a similar age, could relate to her strongly and be more affected by the situation. We portrayed her as a normal teenager by introducing her walking through the woods on her phone, which is a huge stereotype of teenagers to always be talking to their friends or using technology. 

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