Thursday 28 March 2013

Class Feedback

Our media peers watched our opening sequence, 'The Hanging'. They were all given 4 questions to answer:

  1. What film does it remind you of?
  2. Who do you think is the main target audience?
  3. Do you think it's a mainstream (wide-appealing) film? 
  4. What are the film's main strengths? (Choose one from camera shots/sound/titles/editing).
90% said our target audience were 15+, which is what we aimed to achieve. 100% said our film was mainstream/independent, which is what we thought our opening sequence was too. One person thought our film was like The Shining, in which we intended to recreate with the flashbacks. 60% decided our sound was our strongest point. We focused especially on sound, because it would instantly create the atmosphere we wanted for the audience. 

From our feedback, we can see that we have created the opening sequence that we intended to. Our feedback was positive. However, we noticed several people said our target audience were females. We think this because in our opening sequence, there are no males. 

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