Monday 11 March 2013


Once we had finished our filming for our opening sequence, we uploaded all our clips onto the Mac computer and imported them into Final Cut Pro, where we could arrange the clips in order and cut them down to the correct lengths. This process was time consuming because we wanted the cuts to be exact and perfected down to the last second.
After cutting down our clips, we added in the titles which we made using Live Type, an editing programme. We decided to place the titles at the beginning of our opening sequence and also at the end, overlapping the scene. Doing these effects allowed us to discover new applications and ways to edit on Final Cut Pro. When the titles and clips were arranged, we realised it didn't look very scary, so we added in the music and sound effects. We learnt from this process just how much of an impact it has and a difference it can make to your work, because once sound was added it started to appear much more realistic and it fitted the genre better.

We finally had all of our clips organised and the music added, so the final process was the transitions and video effects. Between some of the clips we often used the 'fade to colour' transition because we found it fitted in really well and made the clips transfer a lot smoother. In the scene where Izzie is 'hallucinating', we edited the clips to give a fuzzy, unclear look, suggesting to the viewer that this could be the character's imagination and making them question the situation.
Overall, editing was a long process, but the options available to us on the software we used made a great impact on our work.

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