Thursday 14 February 2013

Music Initial Ideas

We are hoping to use 'The Teddy Bears Picnic' as a song in our opening sequence. This is because we can distort it to sound scary. Also, the girl has a teddy bear and it's located in the woods. The song fits in well with our opening sequence and it's themes. 

We like this version of the song as it is quite creepy and chilling: 

This deep, mysterious version is good as we can mix it with the first one to change the pitch and distort the song: (0.29 seconds - 0.45 seconds) and we could also use it whilst our character Izzie is running away from the girl.

We want to use the sound of a heartbeat when Izzie is running away from the girl to create tension and a fast pace sequence. 

This beeping sound of the heart monitor will be used when our title appears, to signify Izzie's death and the horror of our opening sequence. It will also be used when her phone cuts out: 

This song could be used to go quite quietly in the background as Izzie is walking through the woods because it isn't too dramatic but gives the sense that danger is close by:

Also, we can use this music during the 'hanging scenes' because they are chilling and also quite intense which can add to the feeling during this part of our opening sequence:

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