Thursday 14 February 2013

Location and Casting Shot

Here are some shots we like of Pickhurst Recreation grounds. This is where we plan to film our opening sequence. We chose this area due to it's large field and tree-infested woods. It's a big open space in which we can get plenty of shots from. It also has a small forest behind the field. We like this because we can then show the girl being hung in the woods. It is the perfect location for our planned opening sequence. 

Below are some casting shots of Izzie Lattimore, who is playing the victim in our opening sequence. We chose Izzie as she is a keen drama student. She also studies film which means she understands her purpose. We know she is very reliable and can easily portray the character we want and being realistic. Izzie also does photography and understand camera work and framing. 

Below is a casting shot of Emma Winn, who is acting out the part of the little girl in our opening sequence. Emma also enjoys drama. She has been in several school plays. She is young, with blond hair, portraying  the innocent, naive girl we want. Her face is quite plain, meaning we can add tour make up easily to her. Emma is a very keen art student. This means she is understanding to having talcum powder on her face and fake blood on her neck to create the desired effect. 

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