Tuesday 22 January 2013

Target Audience & Production Company

Production Company

We have chosen Warner bros. as an inspiration because it is mainstream and targets a large range of audiences. Also, from this logo, we can see the genre of the film already being portrayed, before the film starts. We want to incorporate this to set the audience of edge. 

We also like DreamWorks as they show the theme of their movie in the production company logo straight away, to reveal the genre. Also, their logo is simple, yet individual, they can change the effects surrounding their logo to fit with the genre of their film. 

Target Audience

Our target audience are males and females under 25. We read our 25 word pitch to our peers at school (aged 16-18) and family members (aged 30-45) and found that people our age generally showed more interest and were more encouraged to see our film than the aged 30-45 year olds. This shows that our film won't appeal to an older generation. The younger generation find horror films thrilling, most adults find it disturbing. 


We would certify our film 'The Hanging' as a 15. This is because is contains 'strong bloody violence' and some 'strong language'. Our death scene is filmed in semi-darkness, masking most of the blood detail. Also, if our certificate was a 12A/12, people may be put off by the fact young people may watch it. Some people won't see a film without the intention of being scared and having adrenaline rush. Our audience will be British as the film is based and set in britain, with british actors.

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