Tuesday 22 January 2013

25 Word Pitch and Feedback

Supernatural. A girl, abused by her father and hung at her own will, seeks revenge by traumatising and killing everyone in the Haunted Woods. 

After sharing our 25 word pitch we got this feedback:

Here are our responses to the constructive criticism: 

'Is she dead?'
Yes, she is dead. However, her soul is alive and possessed  bringing her body back to life and haunting victims at night. 

'Could it be placed in any other setting than the woods?' 
Well, we plan the woods as it is a common place our target audience go to, causing fear when watching our opening sequence. Also, our main character gets hung in the woods, it's essential we film it there. 

'How is it going to fit into two minutes?'
We have very quick shots, adding to the element of surprise. We only kill one victims. Also, the audience don't see the girl getting hung, we see a quick 1 or 2 second flashback. 

'How old is she?'
She is under 11 years old. We want her to be young and look innocent. Also, the naivety adds to the irony of her being a possessed murder. 

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