Sunday 13 January 2013

Initial Ideas

Clare: We initially knew that our genre was going to be a horror/thriller because this was the one that grabbed our attention the most. The initial idea is before we are introduced to any characters, there are a few establishing shots showing the surroundings in the woods and to set the scene of suspense and isolation, inspired by both 'The Shining' and 'Twilight.' We could also add in some opening credits at these parts. Then we see a teenager is walking home alone through the woods near night time, she is talking on her phone and receives a phone call, but when she answers it's a silent tone. She ignores this and continues to walk through the forest, however we can see that she is all by herself by the surroundings and eerie music playing alongside. The girl starts to hear noises and see's strange things. And then she notices a little girl dressed in old fashioned style clothes standing alone and holding a teddy bear, inspired by 'Orphan.' She daringly walks towards the young girl to ask her if she'd like some help, but the girl does not move and continues to stare. As we view the young girl, there are random flashbacks of her being hung and dead, as inspired by 'The Shining.' The opening sequence ends showing a POV shot of the young girl with a knife walking towards the camera and murdering the teenager. The scene ends with a loud scream and cuts straight to the name of the film which we are yet to create. The idea is quite simple and not too complicated so we are able to add in various shots and improve it. Also, it only requires two actors, a knife, rope and a phone.

Amanda: Another initial idea we have considered was inspired by  two films: 'The Ring' and 'The Shining'. We would start with an establishing shot of a field, with woods behind it, near night time. Two girls are joking about the myth of a girl in the mental hospital next door who kills anyone in her way. However, in the background we see the girl in a quick flash. It then cuts to the girls in their room when their tv turns on and phone rings, but just a beeping tone. The girl appears in the room, we see a flashback of her being hung, to reveal her past. We see her holding a teddy covered in blood. The opening sequence ends with roughly the same ending as our other idea, showing a POV shot of the young girl with a knife walking towards the camera and killing the two girls. The scene ends with the possessed girl laughing and cuts straight to the name of the film. This sequence only requires a knife, a teddy, a rope, and three actors. 

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