Saturday 22 December 2012

What is an Opening Sequence?

The opening sequence to a film or TV programme and is essential because it can demonstrate to the viewer the genre, the main characters involved and also the company that produced it. Sometimes there is music or font to accompany the opening sequence, or it may be a title sequence containing mainly visuals to interest and grab the viewer's attention.

We have used Prezi to present the different styles and our opinions to the opening sequences of Office Space, The Bourne Supremacy, Red Lights and The Dark Knight Rises. 

Friday 21 December 2012

Preliminary Task

According to feedback from our peers, our close up shots of the door handle were the best of the clip, due to the overall success in continuity. However, our most problematic was the fact we broke the 180 degree rule and missed a shot/reverse shot. 

Clare - I believe that we had a wide range of shots throughout, including an aerial shot when both characters were passing the money, so that viewers had a clear view of what was occurring at this particular moment in the scene. Also, we had good continuity because most of our clips were cut precisely and smoothly, with no jumps or errors. 

Amanda - To improve it we should make sure we include all of the necessary clips including the shot/reverse shot which we accidentally didn't include.  However, we still received lots of positive feedback. Overall, our preliminary task was a success.